Objective: The objective of the study was to determine the physical parameters, heavy metals and the microbial quality in borehole water from ga-Matlala area in the Limpopo province, South Africa. Theoretical Framework: Many communities around Limpopo to rely on borehole water. The Capricorn District Municipality, where Ga-Matlala area is located, reports that 80 % of the population depend on groundwater supply and the quality of groundwater in some parts of the municipality is not suitable for human consumption. Method: Physical parameters were determined on-site using the Hanna Multiparameter Meter. Heavy metals were determined using Shimadzu AA 7000 AAS. Microbial analysis was performed using the MPN and membrane filtration techniques. Results and Discussion: The results showed, temperature: 15.65 ºC to 18.66 ºC, pH: 7. 70 to 8.54, DO: 0.00 to 6.24 ppm, EC: ≥ 1115.33 µS / cm, TDS: ≥ 585.33 ppm, salinity: ≥ 0.56 psu, Cu: ≥ 0.01mg/L, Fe ≥ 0.19 mg/L, Pb: ≥ 0.01 mg/L during dry season. During rainy season temperature: 25.79 ºC to 29.57 ºC, pH: 7.79 to 8.90, DO: 0.56 to 5.03 ppm, EC: 775.00 to 2665.33 µS / cm, TDS: 349.33 ppm, salinity: ≥ 0.36 psu, Cu ≥ 0.01 mg/L, Fe ≥ 0.22 mg/L, Pb ≥ 0.03 mg/L, Mn ≥ 0.01 mg/L. Research Implications: The findings from the study points to a need for public awareness about health risks associated with consuming the borehole water. Treatment of boreholes is highly recommended Originality/Value: The quality of borehole water from Ga-Matlala has not been analyzed and documented, before the current study. The study will help to bring awareness to the community about the quality of their drinking water.
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