1. The toxicity of 8 solvent extraction chemicals (Primene JM-T, Amberlite LA-1, Adogen 283, Adogen 383, Alamine 336, TBP and HDEHP) and of cadmium has been investigated in neonates of water fleas, Daphnia magna, embryos and larvae of rainbow trout, Salmo gairdneri, and in embryos, larvae and juveniles of zebrafish, Brachydanio rerio. 2. The importance of the threshold value for comparisons of toxicity data is discussed and the possibility of its determination at elevated temperature is suggested. 3. The toxicity data for cadmium, 48 hr LC 50 for water fleas 69 μg Cd/1 and embryo-larval toxicity for rainbow trout 5.0 μg Cd/1, agreed with previously reported data.
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