The use of a green technology replica model as a teaching aid to help students understand the types of green technology based on renewable resources in the DUG30023 Green Technology Compliance course. The course DUG30023 Green Technology Compliance is a course offered by the Polytechnic. At Polytechnic Kuching Sarawak, this course is taken by Business Management Diploma students and Geomatics Diploma students. Through this course, students are exposed to green practices and the effects that have and will occur in relation to the environment. This green technology replica model is produced using used materials such as boxes, plastic bottles and polystyrene. This mini replica model provides various types of green technology such as Rainwater Harvesting System (SPAH), windmills and photovoltaic systems. In addition, it also provides a QR code that connects to a video about the green technology. This video was produced using PowToon to attract the attention of students to watch it. In addition, there is also a QR code that connects to the questionnaire to study the effectiveness of the mini replica model in teaching and learning.