In general, infectious arthritis can be subclassified into two types 31 : pyogenic (septic) and nonpyogenic. Pyogenic arthritis is most commonly caused by Staphylococcus aureus , Neisseria gonorrhoeae , Klebsiella pneumoniae , Candida albicans , and Serratia marcescens . 33 Among the nonpyogenic arthritides are tuberculous arthritis 29,36 and infections caused by fungi, including actinomycosis, cryptococcosis, coccidioidomycosis, 2,38 histoplasmosis, and sporotrichosis. 33 Nonpyogenic arthritis can also be caused by viruses, such as smallpox, and by spirochetes, such as those responsible for syphilis and yaws. 33 In young children (less than 5 years), Haemophilus influenzae is a frequent cause of septic arthritis. 32 Infectious agents may enter the joint by directly invading the synovial membrane, either by a penetrating wound or after surgery for joint replacement. Entry to the joint can also be secondary to an infection of the adjacent soft tissues or to a blood-borne infection. 18,32 Finally, a focus of osteomyelitis in adjacent bone can also lead to infectious arthritis. A number of imaging techniques are available for diagnosis and evaluation of infectious processes that affect the joints. Although the introduction of MR imaging constituted a revolutionary change in the evaluation of musculoskeletal infections, 6 it did not diminish the role of such conventional techniques as radiography and scintigraphy. 20 Conventional radiography is still a basic diagnostic tool and should always be available when other imaging studies are analyzed. 7,14,31 The ability to diagnose infectious processes has been greatly enhanced by new approaches to radionuclide bone scanning, particularly the use of new radiopharmaceutical agents such as indium 111–labeled autologous white blood cells, 10,21 technetium 99m hexamethylpropylene-amino-oxime, 13 radiolabeled human polyclonal IgG 9 indium 111– or technetium 99m–labeled chemotactic peptide analogues, 12 or immunoscintigraphy with technetium 99m–labeled antigranulocyte monoclonal antibodies. 16 Also of value are other more effective modalities, which are discussed later. It must be stressed, however, that when there is a clinical suspicion of infectious arthritis, particularly septic arthritis, the most rapid approach to final diagnosis, and to avoid irreversible osseous and articular sequelae, is to perform a joint aspiration. 26,37
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