The radiometric responses of the Gebel (G., which means mountain in Arabic) Meatiq area display the overall high radiation of the high grade metamorphic Um Ba’anib granite gneiss, metasediments, as well as Arieki adamellite rocks. Whereas, the low grade metamorphic ophiolitic nappes country reveal the lowest radiometric response. The eU, eTh, and K contents tend to increase with the youthfulness of the plutons with a maximum amounts in the more alkali varieties, e.g., Arieki adamellite (580 Ma), then the high grade metamorphic rocks of the younger Meatiqian orogeny (626 ± 2 Ma). Also, these rocks reveal that the major radiometric anomaly with exposure rates ≈139 nGy/h, more than double of the global terrestrial values. While, the low grade metamorphic ophiolitic rocks reveal the lowest average exposure rates ≈46.8 nGy/h. The areas of high gamma ray values of F-parameter of Efimov (K × U/Th), ternary composite map, K map, K/eTh, and K/eU ratios maps are related to K enrichment conditions during formation (diagenesis) or deformation of the high grade metamorphic rocks and the Arieki adamellite intrusion. From the geochemical point of view, these areas are associated with rocks that are characterized by high-K calc-alkaline, calc-alkaline affinity, and enriched in REE.
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