Increasing evidence suggests that the dopamine transporter, localized on dopamine neurons, is a marker for a number of physiological and pathological states (KaufmanandMadras, 1991,1993; Madras et al., 1990a, Schoemaker et al., 1985; Singer et al., 1991). With the development of sensitive probes, brainimaging and mea- surement of the transporter have become feasible in re- cent years (Brownell et al., in press; Innis et al., 1991; Frost et al., 1993; Madras et al., 1991; Morns et al., sub- mitted; Seibyl et al., 1995; van Dyke et a1.,1995; Wonget al., 1993,1995). Drugs of many chemical classes, includ- ing cocaine, bind to the dopamine transporter (Seeman, 1993). Nevertheless, effective imaging agents have been developed almost exclusively from the phenyltropane analogue of cocaine WIN 35,428 or CFT, a potent dopa- mine transport inhibitor (Clarke et al., 1973; Heikkila et al., 1979). The impetus for developing [llC]WIN 35,428 as a PET ligand (Hantraye et al., 1992; Madras, 1994; Madras et al., 1991, 1994; Wong et al., 1993; Meltzer et al., 1993) and y-emitting analogues for SPECT imaging (e.g., RTI-55, the 4-iodophenyl analogue of WIN 35,428, Canfield et al., 1990; Boja et al., 1991; Innis et al., 1991) arose directly from our observations of the binding of WIN 35,428 to the dopamine transporter. Unlike previ- ous dopamine transport inhibitors (noncocaine conge- ners) proposed for brain imaging(Kuhar et a1.,1990), the radiolabeled form of WIN 35,428 binds to the dopamine transporter in brain striatum with very low levels of non- specific binding (Madras et al., 1989a,b) and distributes principally to dopamine-rich regions of brain, as we re- ported in 1989 (Canfield et al., 1989) and subsequently (Canfield et al., 1990; Kaufman et al., 1991; Kaufman and Madras, 1992). SPECT imaging techniques are more practical than PET for routine clinical studies because of the lesser