Objective: The aim of the study is to increase the production of fibrinolytic enzyme produced by pseudomonas aeruginosa after mutagenesis with physical mutagens compared to the wild type. Study design: Cross-sectional in descriptive study design and case–control in analytical study design. Backgrounds: P. aeruginosa is a ubiquitous gram-negative aerobe. Its opportunistic pathogen that infects patients with cystic fibrosis, burn, wounds, immunodeficiency, chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder (COPD), cancer. Fibrinolytic enzyme is a factor that lysis fibrin clots. This fibrinolytic factor has prospective use totreat cardiovascular diseases such as stroke and heart attack. Thrombotic disorders are the main cause of death world. Methodology: Study patients, specimens, collection of bacterial isolates. Plasma agar plate assay, Skim milk agar assay, Radial caseinolytic assay, Preparing magnetizing Water. Exposure P. aeruginosa to radioactive sources, lasers and magnetic water. Determination of optimal bacterial isolate for the fibrinolytic enzyme production. Results: Increased when P. aeruginosa were exposed to Na23 at an efficiency of 10 µci. Also exposed to 10 ml of magnetic water during 48 hr., then exposed to a cobalt radioactive source during 3 hr., another radioactive source is Cs137, Co60 and Sr90 in 1 hr. during 48 hours with exposure to laser and magnetized water. Conclusion: Conclude that the overproduction of fibrinolytic enzyme (clot-dissolving enzyme) increased when P. aeruginosa were exposed to Na23, Cs137, Co60 and Sr90 with exposed to laser and magnetized water in certain period.
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