Building a reliable and optimum underwater optical wireless communication (UOWC) system requires identifying all potential factors that cause the attenuation and dispersion of the optical signal. The radiative transfer equation (RTE) solution can be utilised to conclude these essential design parameters to build an optimum UOWC system. RTE has various numerical and simplified analytical solutions with varying reliability and capability scope. Many scientists consider the Monte Carlo simulation (MCS) method to be a consistent and widely accepted approach to formulating an RTE solution, which models the propagation of photons through various underwater channel environments. MCS recently attracted attention because we can build a reliable model for underwater environments. Based on such a model, this report demonstrates the resulting received optical power distribution as an output for an array of emulation inputs, including transmitted light’s spatial and temporal distribution, channel link regimes, and associated impairments. This study includes a survey component, which presents the required framework’s foundation to establish a valid RTE model, which leads to solutions with different scopes and depths that can be drawn for practical UOWC use cases. Hence, this work shows how underlying modelling elements can influence a solution technique, including inherent optical properties (IOPs), apparent optical properties (AOPs), and the potential limitations of various photon scattering function formats. The work introduces a novel derivation of mathematical equations for single- and multiple-light-pulse propagation in homogeneous and inhomogeneous channels, forming the basis for MCS-based UOWC studies. The reliability of MCS implementation is assessed using compliance with the Central Limit Theorem (CLT) and leveraging the Henyey–Greenstein phase function with full-scale random selection. As part of the tutorial component in this work, the MCS inner working is manifested using an object-oriented design method. Therefore, this work targets researchers interested in using MCS for UOWC research in general and UOWC photon propagation in seawater channel modelling in general.
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