Micro-Mini & Nano Dosimetry and Innovative Technologies in Radiation Oncology - MMND ITRO 2020 The biannual Micro-Mini & Nano Dosimetry and Innovative Technologies in Radiation Oncology (MMND ITRO 2020) international conferences organized by the Centre for Medical Radiation Physics (CMRP), University of Wollongong jointly with Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (MSKCC), New York were hold on the 10th-16th February 2020 at the Novotel Wollongong Northbeach, Wollongong, NSW, Australia. During MMND ITRO 2020 we celebrated 20th Anniversary of these biannual workshops.Continuing the series of biennial meetings, the Mini- Micro- Nano- Dosimetry (MMND) conference brought together international and Australian radiation oncologists, medical physicists, radiation scientists and nanomedicine experts. Talks were focused on new achievements in radiobiology of radiation therapy including particle therapy and synchrotron MRT, diffused alpha emitters radiation therapy (DaRT) in combination with immunotherapy, radiomics and artificial intelligence as applied to radiation therapy and imaging, advanced dosimetry in radiotherapy, diagnostic imaging and diagnostic radiology for physicists. Special half-day sessions were led by experts from MSKCC on New Technologies in Brachytherapy by Prof. Michael Zelefsky MD, and Radiomics and Machine Learning Models by Prof. Joseph Deasy PhD.Innovative Technologies in Radiation Oncology (ITRO) led by Dr Josh Yamada, MD was devoted to the clinical implementation of new technologies in X-ray therapy, brachytherapy and particle therapy. ITRO 2020 focused on integrating advanced imaging into radiation therapy including MRI guided radiotherapy, MRI for tissue radiation response prediction, imaging in prediction of patient response to immunotherapy, SBRT, SRS, hypofractionation and particle therapy as well as applications of radiomics and artificial intelligence in radiation oncology and radiology.