Much of the existing literature on the theory of radiation field is restricted to energy considerations. In this paper, theoretical ideas emphasizing the achievements in classical electrodynamics and numerical results concerning the entropy of a radiation field are discussed. This review also includes results using several analytical techniques, i.e. maximum entropy principle, spectral decomposition theorem. Special emphasis of these calculations is given on the effect of polarization. In particular, we find that a number of important features can be found as a direct consequence of the SU( N) Lie group expansion of the polarization density matrix. Although most of the discussion is devoted to the case of plane waves ( N=2), the evaluation of the entropy of radiation for non planar waves ( N=3) is presented in Appendix A. Through the use of the spectral decomposition theorem (Appendix B), a formula for the polarization dependence of radiation entropy is obtained, which we suggest has application in the extraction of polarization information from a range of Mueller and Jones matrices in optics. The geometrical feature (Stokes vector space formulation) that emerges is presented along with a thermodynamical analysis underlying the two-level description of a partially polarized wave. Examples are presented of applying this new formalism to problems of scattering and propagation of light. This technique is best suited to characterization of depolarizing systems, where the light undergoes a change of degree as well as polarization state. We first discuss the problems associated in extending the treatment of a plane wave to a non-plane wave radiation field. As an illustrative application of our analysis, we consider the problem of finding bounds for the degree of polarization of an incoherent mixture of partially polarized beams. We further investigate the effect of a linear optical device on the entropy of an incident partially polarized plane wave and characterize the polarization of certain common optical components, e.g. compensator, rotator, polarizer. It is argued here that depolarization is connected to a process of entropy production. We next consider elastic multiple scattering of light by a dense random collection of dielectric spheres and analyze the behavior of entropy production during the irreversible evolution of the state of polarization. Appendix C outlines the derivation of the correlation function of the field that is required to exactly solve the Bethe–Salpeter equation for point-like scattering centers whose size is small compared to the wavelength. Computational techniques, based on Monte Carlo simulations provide a useful tool for studying multiple scattering of light by a spatially random medium composed of uncorrelated and noninteracting spherical dielectric particles. In a medium containing particles which are small compared with the wavelength (Rayleigh regime), the characteristic length of depolarization for incident linearly polarized light is found to exceed that for incident circularly polarized light, while the opposite is true in a medium composed of particles large compared to the wavelength (Mie regime). These numerical results are compared against measurements on suspensions of polystyrene latex spheres in water. One of the most remarkable aspects of this problem, where no energy exchange between radiation and scatterer takes place, is that the stationary state corresponds both to the state of minimum production of radiation entropy and to the state of maximum entropy. Finally, the entropy production by propagation of light in anisotropic media is evaluated. The theory is developed in a form that is most convenient for applications to quantum electronics (such as optical fibers, fiber systems, devices, and networks) because that subject is rich in experiments that illustrate the complicated polarization phenomena in optical media [Recent progress in fibre optics, G. Cancellieri and F. Chiaraluce, Progress in Quantum Electronics, 18, 39 (1994)], as well as being of considerable practical importance.
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