Using the R-matrix Floquet approach, we have investigated ionization of the 1s2s 1S and 1s3s 1S states of He subjected to VUV radiation, following the absorption of two, three and four photons, with a focus on the influence of resonances on the state that the residual He+ ion is left in. For the 1s2s 1S state, we find that final-state 3ℓnℓ′ resonances enhance the relative probability that He+ is left in the n = 2 states. Intermediate 2ℓnℓ′ resonances strongly enhance ionization following three-photon and four-photon absorption. The 2ℓ2ℓ′ resonances enhance in particular the probability that He+ ion is left in n = 2, while higher 2ℓnℓ′ enhance in particular the probability that He+ is left in n = 3, since photoionization of the 2ℓnℓ′ resonances is dominated by emission of the inner 2ℓ electron. For the 1s3s 1S state, we find a stronger influence of the final-state 3ℓnℓ′ resonances on the relative probability that after two-photon absorption He+ is left in n = 2.
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