Abstract This paper deals with resistive wall tearing mode (RWTM) disruptions. RWTMs are closely related to resistive wall modes. RWTMs are tearing modes whose linear and nonlinear behavior is strongly dependent on the resistive wall outside the plasma. The consequence for ITER, is that the thermal quench timescale could be much longer than previously conjectured. Active feedback stabilization is another possible way to mitigate or prevent RWTM disruptions. Simulations of RWTM disruptions are reviewed for DIII-D and MST. MST has a longer resistive wall time than ITER, and disruptions are not observed experimentally when MST is operated as a standard tokamak. Simulations indicate that the RWTM disruption time scale is longer than the experimental shot time. Edge cooling causes contraction of the current profile, which can destabilize RWTMs. The equilibria studied here have the q = 2 rational surface close to the edge of the plasma, and low current density between the q = 2 surface and the wall. A sequence of low edge current model equilibria has major disruptions only for a resistive, not ideal, wall, and edge q ⩽ 3.4 . This is consistent with regimes of tokamak disruptivity, suggesting that tokamak disruptions caused by edge cooling at low edge q could be RWTMs.
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