Abstract A multilayer isentropic model, with constant potential temperature in each model layer, has been developed to investigate the linear and nonlinear characteristics of motions in the stratosphere. The transition from linear to nonlinear behavior in the content of wave-mean flow interaction is studied. The planetary wave in the model is excited by wavelike forcings at the lower boundary. It propagates upward into the middle atmosphere. Ale planetary wave breaking and the mean zonal flow modification in the model are closely associated with critical layer of the quasi-stationary planetary wave. However, the region with strong mean flow deceleration and severe potential vorticity (PV) contour deformation is broad. As the forcing amplitude increases, this region shifts poleward and the maximum center of mean flow deceleration extends upward. In cases with large forcing amplitudes, the polar vortex is pushed away from the pole and easterly winds are found in the polar region. The responses of the model ...