In this paper we have theoretically predicted a novel pathway for the mutagenic tautomerization of the classical A∙T DNA base pairs in the free state, the Watson-Crick A·Т(WC), reverse Watson-Crick A·Т(rWC), Hoogsteen A·Т(H) and reverse Hoogsteen A·Т(rH) pairs, via sequential proton transfer accompanied by a significant change in the mutual orientation of the bases. Quantum-mechanical (QM) calculations were performed at the MP2/aug-cc-pVDZ//B3LYP/6-311++G(d,p) level in vacuum phase, along with Bader’s quantum theory of Atoms in Molecules (QTAIM). These processes involve transition states (TSs) with quasi-orthogonal structures (symmetry C1), which are highly polar, tight ion pairs (A-, N6H2-deprotonated)∙(T+, O4/O2-protonated). Gibbs free energies of activation for the A∙T(WC) / A∙T(rWC) ↔ A*∙Т(rwWC) / A*∙Т(wWC) tautomeric transitions (~43.5 kcal∙mol-1) are lower than for the A∙T(H) / A∙T(rH) ↔ A*N7∙Т(rwH) / A*N7∙Т(wH) tautomerisations (~53.0 kcal∙mol-1) (rare tautomers are marked by an asterisk; w—wobble configured tautomerisation products). The (T)N3+H⋯N1-(A), (T)O4+H⋯N1-(A) / (T)N3+H⋯N1-(A) and (T)O2+H⋯N1-(A) H-bonds are found in the transition states TSA-·T+A·T(WC)↔A*·T(rwWC) / TSA-·T+A·T(rWC)↔A*·T(wWC). However, in the transition state TSA-·T+A·Т(H)↔A*N7·T(rwH) / TSA-·T+A·Т(rH)↔A*N7·T(wH), the (T)N3+H⋯N7-(A), (T)O4+H⋯N7-(A) / (T)N3+H⋯N7-(A) and (T)O2+H⋯N7-(A) H-bonds are supplemented by the attractive (T)O4+/O2+⋯N6-(A) van der Waals contacts. It was demonstrated that the products of the tautomerization of the classical A∙T DNA base pairs—A*∙Т(rwWC), A*N7∙Т(rwH) and A*N7∙Т(wH) (symmetry Cs)–further transform via double proton transfer into the energetically favorable wobble A∙T*(rwWC), A∙T*(rwH) and A∙T*O2(wH) base mispairs (symmetry Cs).
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