We prove that there are infinitely many six sided polyhedra in R, each with four congruent trapezoidal faces and two congruent rectangular faces, so that the faces have integer sides and diagonals, and also the solid has integer length diagonals. The solutions are obtained from the integer points on a particular quartic surface. A long standing unsolved problem asks whether or not there can be a parallelipiped in R whose sides and diagonals have integer length. If one weakens the requirement and just asks for a six-sided polyhedron with quadrilateral faces, then one can find examples with integer length sides and diagonals. Peterson and Jordan [1], described a method for making these ‘perfect’ hexahedra. We review their method. One takes two congruent rectangles and places them in space so that they are parallel, with the bottom rectangle rotated ninety degrees from the position of the top rectangle. Now connect the sides of the two rectangles with four congruent trapezoids. The shape is a piecewise linear version of the placement of two cupped hands together, at ninety degrees in clapping position. The centers of the rectangles lie on a line perpendicular to the top and bottom faces. If the sides of the rectangle have lengths a, b then the diagonal has length c, where a + b = c. The parallel sides of the trapezoids are then also a, b. The slant side of the trapezoid is say e and its diagonal is d. It follows from Ptolemy’s Theorem that d = e + ab. Consider the trapezoid with base on the top rectangle of side a and other base on the bottom rectangle opposite that edge of side b, having the slant sides of length d. Its diagonal is of length f , and also it is the interior diagonal of the hexahedron; thus f 2 = d + ab. We shall refer to these as perfect hexahedra. Proposition 1. The simultaneous positive integer solutions to a + b = c, d = e + ab, f 2 = d + ab give the edge and diagonal lengths of a perfect hexahedron with two rectangular congruent opposite parallel faces, and four congruent trapezoidal faces. Peterson and Jordan asked if there are infinitely many such perfect hexahedra. They also gave several examples, including the small example a = 8, b = 15, c = 17, e = 7, d = 13, f = 17 and asked if it is the
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