In the face of an extensive literature on the use of zeolites for the removal of metals from water for environmental purposes, it is seldom considered that some metals are also essential nutrients for life and that zeolites could be profitably used to dose their release. Among these, Zn is a key micronutrient, and when its demand by crop is not fully balanced by adequate accessibility, fertilization must be provided using Zn salts that can be, however, easily leached and partly wasted in the environment.In an attempt to solve this critical problem, a new controlled-release formulation of Zn using zeolite-containing geomaterials was designed, prepared, characterized, and tested by applying a sequential, multi-method approach. Different formulations were trialed, and the most effective included 30 wt% pumice by-product and 70 wt% clinoptilolite-rich zeolitized tuff, with about 20 mg/g of exchangeable Zn2+. The enrichment process reached equilibrium after about 8 h, a timing well-tuned with technology transfer. Desorption kinetic tests in a weekly acid environment revealed gradual Zn release, with about 4.28 wt% released after 6 h. When tested as a foliar fertilizer on Vitis vinifera, this formulation demonstrated superior resistance to leaching under simulated rainfall conditions compared to conventional ZnSO4·6H2O fertilizer, maintaining the initial level of Zn (130 mg/kg of dry leaves), while about 22 % of the Zn applied with ZnSO4·6H2O was loss. This outcome was plausibly due to mineral particle adhesion to leaf. Preliminary cost estimates suggest that the product designed here can be placed in the market with competitive sales prices.