Baryonic states are discussed in terms of a three-quark shell-model with SU(6) σ⊗ O(3) symmetry and harmonic oscillator wave-functions. For all states with N = 0, 1 or 2 quanta of excitation, which comprise the following supermultiplets: (56,0 +) 0, (70,1 −) 1, (56,2 +) 2, (70,2 +) 2, (56,0 +) 2, (70,0 + 2 and (20,1 +) 2, wave functions which are symmetric for permutations on the three quark labels are constructed in the SU(3)⊗ SU(2) σ⊗O(3) basis appropriate to this symmetry, and the structure of these wavefunctions in terms of two-quark substrates is made explicit. A general mass operator is considered which is a linear combination of two-body operators, each of which conserves isospin and hypercharge and transforms under SU(6) σ⊗O(3) according to an irreducible tensor representation. These operators are constructed by use of the Wigner-Eckart theorem for SU(6) σ and are written in a way which makes transparent their effect on the wavefunctions constructed. The calculation of their matrix-elements then becomes a straightforward and systematic operation, and these are tabulated for all operators which are spin-scalar (central) or spin-vector (spin-orbit) in character, and have either singlet or octet character with respect to SU(3). All 27-tuplet SU(3) operators are also given (but not their matrix-elements). Relationships are also derived between reduced matrix-elements for different supermultiplets, some depending only on the shell-model character of the wavefunctions and others depending specifically on their harmonic character, which act to constrain greatly a simultaneous fitting of all supermultiplets N ≤ 2.