Abstract A thermal hyperspectral imager is underdevelopment which utilizes the compact Dyson optical configuration and the broadband (8–12 μm) quantum well infrared photodetector (QWIP) focal plane array technology. The Dyson configuration uses a single monolithic prism-like grating design which allows for a high throughput instrument (F/1.6) with minimal ghosting, stray light and large swath width. The configuration has the potential to be the optimal high resolution imaging spectroscopy solution for aerial and space remote sensing applications due to its small form factor and relatively low power requirements. The planned instrument specifications are discussed as well as thermal design trade-offs. The current design uses a single high power cryocooler which allows operation of the QWIP at 40 K with adequate temperature stability. Calibration testing results (noise equivalent temperature difference, spectral linearity and spectral bandwidth) and laboratory emissivity plots from samples are shown using an operational testbed unit which has similar specifications as the final airborne system. Field testing of the testbed unit was performed to acquire plots of emissivity for various known standard minerals (quartz, opal, alunite). A comparison is made using data from the ASTER spectral library. The current single band (8–9 μm) testbed utilizes the high uniformity and operability of the QWIP array and shows excellent laboratory and field spectroscopic results.
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