When designing and manufacturing logic circuits, minimal energy loss, high packing densities, and functioning at Tera-hertz frequencies are highly sought characteristics. Due to the rapid growth of large-scale integration technology, producing a dependable architecture with minimal power consumption is crucial. Quantum dot Cellular Automata (QCA) is a potential substitute to the traditional semiconductor-based technique for constructing logic circuits in the nano-scale range due to the promising implementation of these highly desired properties. QCA cells may be used to create arbitrary circuits by following a few straightforward layout criteria. In contrast to conventional computers, quantum computers work faster by utilizing the principles of quantum physics. It is crucial to consider what applications these devices may aid, given that quantum computing technologies are on the cusp of commercialization and quantum dominance. As a result, this paper offers a thorough and bibliometric assessment of the most recent quantum-dot computing methods. In order to present some intriguing directions for any future study, it provides the benefits and drawbacks of the evaluated mechanisms and their significant problems. According to the results, reversible logic in QCA may be regarded as one of the most hopeful technologies for next-generation computers.
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