Nephelinitic rocks from Burko volcano in the Northern Tanzanian Divergence Zone of the East African Rift System represent transitional compositions between primitive and evolved nephelinites which exhibit two distinct phase assemblages, allowing to constrain the magmatic history of such particular rock types. Detailed petrography, mineral compositions and whole rock geochemistry were used to reconstruct the crystallization conditions and the petrological evolution of the Burko rocks and to compare them to the nearby volcanoes of Oldoinyo Lengai and Sadiman. Burko samples report a characteristic mineralogy of intermediate nephelinites (Mg# of 60–40) which comprise nepheline-diopside-magnetite-perovskite assemblages. They evolved mainly via fractionation of clinopyroxene, apatite, magnetite, and perovskite/titanite to peralkaline nephelinites (Mg# of 40–25) comprising nepheline-aegirine-augite-titanite-andradite±K-feldspar assemblages. The presence of unexposed primitive olivine nephelinites is, however, indicated by rare forsterite antecrysts.Reworking of crystal mushes and/or magma mixing are evident from different xenocrysts, antecrysts and pyroxenitic–ijolitic inclusions, precluding simple fractional crystallization modelling. The evolution from diopside-bearing nephelinites towards aegirine-augite-bearing ones was accompanied by a decrease in temperature (from ~1100 to ~900 °C) and an increase of log(aSiO2) towards ~−0.5 and of fO2 (∆FMQ ~2.5 to ~3). Especially in the peralkaline nephelinites, late-stage enrichment of Sr, Ba and halogens is documented by Sr-and F-rich apatite, barytolamprophyllite, celsian, götzenite, and eudialyte. In comparison, evolved and mostly peralkaline nephelinites from the nearby Oldoinyo Lengai and Sadiman volcanoes contain similar mineral assemblages, indicating comparable formation processes, but slightly different melt evolution trajectories. The variations in nephelinite composition and phase assemblages are linked to a) slightly different parental melt compositions related to variable amounts of amphibole, mica and carbonate in the molten mantle veins and b) different crystallization conditions, especially redox conditions, during cooling.
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