The cultivated bananas (Musa spp.) have a complex reproductive physiology which favours the vegetative methods of propagation, particularly sucker or tissue culture, as the commercial methods. Propagation of banana through macro-propagation technique can be employed to produce quality planting materials using less inputs. With this background, a scientifically designed investigation was carried out for optimizing composition of growing substrate for low-cost planting material production in banana. This study investigates the efficacy of macro-propagation techniques using different growing substrates and bio-fertilizers for two banana cultivars: ‘Grand Naine, AAA’ and ‘Alpan, AAB’. The experiment was laid out in complete randomized design (CRD) with eight different combinations of growing substrate with five replications. Results showed significant differences in the emergence of primary, secondary and tertiary buds, as well as root development. The treatment comprising sawdust (50 %) and banana fiber waste (50 %) with Trichoderma consistently outperformed others in terms of days taken primary (21.45), secondary (46.91) & tertiary bud emergence (58.99), and maximum number of primary (4.21), secondary (7.16) & tertiary shoots (19.91). Same growing media also recorded minimum days taken for root emergence (17.61 days), maximum number of roots per shoot (161.10), primary roots (24.89), secondary roots (46.32), tertiary roots (89.90) & highest root length (21.88 cm). The cultivar ‘Grand Naine, AAA’ exhibited superior performance across most parameters compared to ‘Alpan, AAB’. Overall, the treatment comprising sawdust (50 %) and banana fiber waste (50 %) with Trichoderma found to be a cost-effective and efficient method for producing high-quality banana planting materials, enhancing banana production and sustainability.
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