Bonding is a special connection between individuals. It might be observed between mothers and their babies, lovers, family, friends, or even between owners and their pets. Bonding is a description of feelings that encompasses measurable parameters of attachment to another individual and reward by being attached. These parameters are sometimes used to scientifically define love. In the case of the mother-infant bond, there is recognition of the infant, and desire and action to give warmth, comfort, food, and protection. It has been known for many years that the neuroendocrine hormone, oxytocin, and the monoamine, dopamine, play key roles in initiation and maintenance of such behaviors. The Meaney lab (1) has been instrumental in establishing the separate importance of oxytocin and dopamine in mother-infant interaction and in showing that individual variation in these central systems underlies differences in quality of the behavior. However, exactly how and where oxytocin acts centrally in maternal behavior has been relatively ill defined, partly because oxytocin receptors are widely distributed and partly because oxytocin has multiple simultaneous roles perinatally. Now the precise roles for oxytocin in mediating this dialogue are emerging and dopamine in particular is a promising target. In the Meaney rat model of “good” mothers (defined as those exhibiting high licking, grooming, and archedback nursing behavior), high oxytocin receptor expression in key brain regions, such as the medial preoptic area (MPOA), ventral tegmental area (VTA), and nucleus accumbens, is evident (2). Good mothers can even pass on their maternal skills to daughters, and underlying this is epigenetic inheritance of oxytocin receptor expression patterns (3). “Poor” mothers do not show the same receptor patterns, but, when their offspring are cross-fostered to good mothers they can then acquire the beneficial receptor and behavioral patterns (4). On the other hand, when good mothers are stressed, brain oxytocin receptor patterns and maternal behavior are compromised (4). The important role of oxytocin is reinforced by insightful studies showing oxytocin-mediated intense functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) signals in the VTA and nucleus accumbens during suckling (5). Similar studies have been conducted also in women, where feelings of maternal love are associated with intense fMRI activation of the same brain regions in response to viewing pictures of their babies (6). Although oxytocin receptor patterns underlie oxytocin action, the effects of dopamine depend on its release. For example, increased dopamine in the nucleus accumbens equates with quality of maternal behavior (7). Transgenic mice lacking dopamine transporter exhibit impaired maternal behavior (8, 9). The sources of dopamine facilitating maternal behavior are the VTA and the substantia nigra, and lesions using 6-hydroxydopamine to selectively destroy monoamine cells block maternal behavior (10). Champagne et al. (7) developed the powerful technique of voltammetry to measure dopamine release in conscious rats, and elegantly showed that minute-by-minute dopamine release in the nucleus accumbens correlates with licking and grooming behavior. One of the most interesting findings of the Bartels and Zeki paper (6) is that the oxytocin receptor-rich regions that are shown to be activated by fMRI overlap to a great extent with dopamine source and target regions, including the nucleus accumbens. In this issue of Endocrinology, Shahrokh et al. (11) have now estab-
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