A reported penicillin allergy reduces the likelihood that the patient will receive first-line surgical antibiotic prophylaxis (SAP), which can increase the risk of developing a surgical site infection (SSI). This project aimed to increase the use of first-line SAP agents in orthopedic and pediatric surgery patients with a reported penicillin allergy. The Institute for Healthcare Improvement quality improvement methodology was followed. Key drivers included patient and family awareness of true penicillin allergies, standardization for ordering antibiotics, staff buy-in, electronic medical record utilization, and staff comfort with ordering first-line SAP. Initial plan-do-study-act cycles focused on provider education. Subsequent plan-do-study-act cycles focused on the antibiotic delivery process, antibiotic selection, screening tool development for severe delayed hypersensitivity reactions, education, and data transparency. The outcome measure was the percentage of orthopedic and pediatric surgery patients with a reported penicillin allergy that received first-line SAP per month. Since the start of the project in December 2022, there were 2 statistically significant changes in the outcome measure's mean, shifting the mean from 25% to 84% in orthopedic and pediatric surgery patients with a reported penicillin allergy who received first-line SAP. There were no adverse medication reactions and no statistically significant change in SSIs. The mean has been at 84% for 9 months showing a sustainable process and culture change regarding first-line SAP usage for orthopedic and pediatric surgery patients. This was achieved through targeting the antibiotic delivery processes without relying on hard stops within the medical record.
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