We have followed up our previous ab initio calculations of the force fields and dipole-moment derivatives of glycine dipeptide in C 5 and C 7 conformations with similar studies of the l-alanyl compound [CH 3CONHCH(CH 3)CONHCH 3]. We have done, with the 4–21 Gaussian basis set, calculations of the three lowest-energy optimized conformations with intramolecular hydrogen bonding that were derived by Scarsdale et al.: the C 5, C 7 eq, and C 7 ax structures. The quadratic force constants were scaled, as in our previous work, using the set of scale factors derived by Fogarasi and Balázs for small amides, with slight modifications. The differences in the force constants, harmonic frequencies, dipole derivatives, and infrared intensities among the conformations and within each conformation are discussed and related, where possible, to differences in hydrogen bonding and structure. The results are also compared and integrated with those on Gly dipeptide. The force constants and dipole derivatives show that the C 7 ax hydrogen bond is the strongest, in agreement with the NH·O geometries, even though the SCF energy of this conformer is the highest. The NH stretch and the amide I and II modes are compared with available infrared data on Ala dipeptide in argon matrix, and the comparison supports the empirically based conclusion that C 5 and C 7 conformations are both present in the matrix-isolated sample. The problem of distinguishing between the C 7 eq and C 7 ax forms is also discussed.
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