AbstractThe transmit waveform with ambiguity function specifications in the range‐Doppler plane has been of great interest in traditional single antenna radar systems in recent years. This paper considers the design of waveform sets with a desired slow‐time ambiguity function for multiple‐input multiple‐output radar. Specifically, it is desirable that the ambiguity function has low sidelobes where clutter occurs, as this reduces the impact of the clutter on target detection. Instead of unimodular waveforms, the authors consider amplitude modulation signals and introduce the bound constraint on signal amplitudes into the optimisation for the consideration of transmitter efficiency. The design problem is formulated as minimising the weighted integrated sidelobes level of the ambiguity function over the range‐Doppler plane under bound constraints. The resulting problem has a highly non‐linear objective function and is constrained by bound constraints and quadratic equality (constant energy) constraints, making it difficult to solve. The authors develop an efficient algorithm based on the sequential quadratic programming technique and non‐linear conjugate gradient method to solve it. Simulation results show that the proposed algorithm is superior to the existing methods.
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