Mantle xenoliths from Zarnitsa pipe studied in gray eruptive breccias (early) brown autholitic breccia (BAB) and black macrocrystic kimberlites (last dike; BMK), include garnet and spinel dunites-harzburgites, pyroxenites, eclogites, glimmerites and megacrysts. PT reconstructions using xenoliths reveal sharply layered structure (8 levels), estimated with the single grain mineral estimates mark hot (Cpx, Ilm) and cold (OPx, Gar) inflected geotherm. The interaction with plume melts is found at the lithosphere asthenosphere boundary (LAB), pyroxenite layer (3-4 GPa), Gar-Sp transition and Moho. Eclogites reveal Fe# growth from LAB to middle pyroxenites layer. Clinopyroxenes and ilmenite estimates marks melt refertilisations in interlayers between coupled subduction slabs. Source of capture from first to third stage deepening to LAB and Cr- rich garnets (to 19.5 Cr2O3) are below the LAB.The grey erupted breccia (GEB) includes mainly depleted and deformed peridotites. The later BAB includes pyroxenites, eclogites, and refertilised, deformed, and veined peridotites in BMK. Geochemistry of minerals changes from primary mid ocean ridge basalts (MORB) and back arc peridotites with low REE and large ion lithophile elements (LILE) and deeps in high field strength elements (HFSE) to metasomatized by alkaline (high Na and LILE) and adakitic melts (high Al, Na, Sr, and elevated HFSE) varieties and refertilised lherzolites due to plume at last stage. Mantle column metasomatized with scattered phlogopites in early grey eruptive breccia to amphibole-phlogopite ilmenite veins at last stages. Amphiboles trace mantle from lithosphere – asthenosphere boundary to Moho.Growth of the diamond grade from early eruptive breccia to later kimberlite phases refer to decreasing of the crust material and deepening of the xenoliths capture level. Metasomatism dissolve the diamonds but growth of megacrystic diamond crystals increase diamond grade.