Gaseous fusion reactions are divided into two main classes: e thermonuclear and the pycnonuclear. In a gas of low density and high temperature the Coulomb-barrier penetration probability is only slightly affected by electron screening, and the main contribution to the reaction probability comes from the relatively few fast-moving nuclei at the energy E0 of the Gamow peak. These are the temperature-sensitive thermonuclear reactions. As the density increases and the temperature decreases, the potential barriers are depressed by electron screening and the Gamow peak is increased in height and displaced towards a lower energy. At high densities and low temperatures, when the potential barriers are depressed by an amount larger than E0, the Gamow peak is shifted across the origin and only its tail-end remains. The reaction probability is now density sensitive, and the main contribution comes from the relatively abundant slow-moving nuclei. These reactions are no longer thermonuclear and are more aptly described as `pycnonuclear' (after Cameron). At still higher densities and lower temperatures the nuclear gas becomes degenerate and the reaction probability is independent of the temperature of the gas; these reactions are referred to as `cryonuclear'. The present results for pycnonuclear reactions differ in detail from those obtained by previous authors. Although the results can be readily adapted and extended in the case of astrophysical applications, the main emphasis is on hydrogen-isotope reactions with the possibility in mind of achieving the controlled release of nuclear energy from dense media in the laboratory. For example, in the typical thermonuclear working region of 1014 < n < 1016 cm-3, 108 < T < 109 °K (where n is the ion number density and T is the temperature) the burn-up time of the nuclear fuel is the same as in the cryonuclear working region of 3 × 104 < ρ < 105 g cm-3, T < 105 °K (where ρ is the density of the gas). A proposed classification of the gaseous fusion reactions, based on the form of the reaction probability, is as follows. The first class (a) consists of the thermonuclear or temperature-sensitive reactions, and is subdivided into (i) the araeonuclear reactions which are density independent, and (ii) the pycno-thermonuclear reactions which are density dependent. The second class (b) consists of the pycnonuclear or density-sensitive reactions, and is subdivided into (iii) the thermo-pycnonuclear reactions which are temperature dependent, and (iv) the cryonuclear reactions which are temperature independent and occur only in degenerate nuclear gases.