Electrification can enhance the antifouling performance of ultrafiltration membranes and improve the sustainability of membrane technologies. The design of high-performance conductive membrane materials remains one of the core technologies in electro-assisted ultrafiltration. Here, conductive PVDF/PEDOT:PSS composite membranes were prepared via in situ chemical oxidation polymerization on a PVDF surface. The PVDF/PEDOT:PSS membranes were subsequently used for electro-filtration to study the effect of the applied potential on humic acid fouling. When a voltage of 3 V was applied, the PVDF/PEDOT:PSS20 membrane was continuously polluted for 5 cycles. The results showed that after simple hydraulic cleaning, the membrane flux recovery rate reached 91 %. Compared with that of the PVDF membrane, the irreversible fouling of the PVDF/PEDOT:PSS20 membrane decreased by 65 %. The modified Poisson Boltzmann equation indicates that applying cathodic potential on the surface of PEDOT:PSS conductive layer increases the cumulative concentration of counter ions on the membrane surface and the thickness of the charged layer, thereby promoting the migration of peak forces on the membrane surface to the bulk solution, changing the fouling behaviour of HA from cake filtration to standard blocking.
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