The frozen lesion formation created by cryoballoon ablation, especially with non-occluded applications, has not been fully evaluated. This study aimed to validate the lesion size under different cryoballoon ablation settings: application duration, push-up technique, and laminar flow. The frozen lesion size was evaluated immediately after ending the freezing with three different application durations (120, 150, and 180 seconds) in porcine hearts (N = 24). During the application, the push-up technique was applied at 10, 20, and 30 seconds after starting the freezing with or without laminar flow. The lesion size was significantly correlated with the nadir balloon temperature (P<0.001). The lesion volume became significantly larger after 150 seconds than 120 seconds (1272mm3 versus 1709mm3, P = 0.004), but not after 150 seconds (versus 1876mm3 at 180 seconds, P = 0.29) with a comparable nadir balloon temperature. Furthermore, the lesion volume became significantly larger with the push-up technique with the largest lesion size with a 20-second push-up after the freezing (1193mm3 without the push-up technique versus 1585mm3 with a push-up at 10 seconds versus 1808mm3 with a push-up at 20 seconds versus 1714mm3 with a push-up at 30 seconds, P = 0.04). Further, the absence of laminar flow was not associated with larger lesion size despite a significantly lower nadir balloon temperature. The frozen lesion size created by cryoballoon ablation became larger with longer applications at least 150 seconds and with a push-up technique especially at 20 seconds after the freezing.
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