서양금혼초(Hypochaeris radicata Linne)에 함유되어있는 화학물질이 사료작물의 미치는 allelopathy효과를 구명하기 위하여 본 실험을 실시하였다 서양금혼초에 함유되어 있는 allelochemicals 물질을 HPLC에 의해 성분 분석한 결과 계절적, 부위별로 차이가 있었으나 <TEX>$\rho$</TEX>-hydroxybenzoic acid, chlorogenic acid, catechin, caffeic acid, syringic acid, salicylic acid, <TEX>$\rho$</TEX>-coumaric acid, ferulic acid, naringin, hesperidin, myricetin, krans-cinnamic acid, quercetin, naringenin 등 14 종류의 phenolic compounds 성분을 확인하였고 caffeic acid, ferulic acid, naringenin 3종류는 공통으로 함유하고 있는 것으로 분석되었다. 5월에는 일, 7월에는 꽃과 뿌리에서 많은 양의 phenolic acids가 함유되어있고 특히 뿌리에 sali-cylic acid <TEX>$2085.6{\mu}g/g$</TEX>,와 quercetin <TEX>$1522.0[\mu}g/g$</TEX>,로 함량이 높았다. 서양금혼초 수용성 추출액으로 처리한 사료작물의 생장을 조사한 결과 품종에 따라 처리구와 대조구의 값이 같은 경우도 있으나 모든 조사 항목에서 대조구 보다 처리 값이 낮아 사료작물의 생장이 억제 된 것이 확인되었고 처리농도가 높을수록 강한 억제효과를 나타내었다. 수량의 변화를 조사한 결과 사료작물 품종에 따라 차이가 있으나 전체적으로 억제효과를 나타내었으며 처리농도가 높을수록 강한 억제효과를 나타내었다. 이러한 결과 서양금혼초는 사료작물에 대한 allelopathy 효과가 있음을 밝혀냈다. 특히 화본과 사료작물의 경우 italian ryegrass, 콩과 사료작물의 경우는 purple alfalfa가 생장억제효과가 높게 나타났다. This experiment was performed to examine the allelopathy effect of allelochemical substance on the crop plants. According to the experiment of the allelochemical substances in Hypochaeris radicata by HPLC, there are the differences at each part of plants. However, it is ascertained that there are 14 kinds of phenolic compounds ingredients that are <TEX>$\rho$</TEX>-hydroxybenzoic acid, chlorogenic acid, catechin, caffeic acid, syringic acid, salicylic acid, <TEX>$\rho$</TEX>-coumaric acid, ferulic acid, naringin, hesperidin, myricetin, trans-cinnamic acid, quercetin and naringenin. The chemicals like caffeic acid, ferulic acid, and naringenin are commonly included. The result of the chemical experiment shows that there are the differences at each season and part of plants. The leaves in May and blossoms and roots in July contain lots of phenolic acids. It is very high contents such as salicylic acid 2085.6 <TEX>${\mu}g/g$</TEX> and quercetin 1522.0 <TEX>${\mu}g/g$</TEX>, especially in roots of plants. The result on the growth of crop plants treated by the aqueous extract of Hypochaeris radicata shows that the value of the control group and the test group are same in some cases. However, because the treat value of test group is towel'than that of control group in all items of the experiment, it is cofirmed that the growth of crop plants was inhibited and that the inhibitory effect was increased as its density of treatment was increased. The result of change in quantity shows that there are the differences at each kind of crop plants, but the inhibitory effect was increased as its concentration of treatment was increase with entire. As results, it is confirmed that H. radicata has the allelopathy effect to the crop plants. Especially the inhibitory effect on growth is high in gramineous crop, italian ryegrass and leguminous crop. purple alfalfa.
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