Among crimes against the person, the most dangerous are crimes that are committed with the help of potent or poisonous drugs. Unfortunately, there is not yet a tendency to reduce the number of crimes committed, which always affects the state of social protection of citizens, increases tension in society, and undermines the authority of the state.
 The disclosure of these crimes is fraught with considerable difficulties and a very large amount of work, which suggests that these crimes fall into the category of increased complexity.
 There are a number of investigative and analytical tasks that may arise in any case involving the use of drugs, potent and poisonous drugs in order to facilitate the commission of a crime.
 Crimes committed with the help of drugs, potent and poisonous substances include rape or other forms of sexual assault, robbery, robbery, extortion of money.
 These crimes involve the use of drugs — these are crimes committed through the introduction into the human body of a substance with the intention to disrupt his normal behavior, perception or ability to make decisions without his consent after he voluntarily accepted a substance that deprives him of the ability to action.
 Toxic substances when exposed to the body cause a sharp disruption of normal life, poisoning and death. These include, for example, snake venom, its derivatives, purified bee venom, clonidine (clonidine), etc.
 Often passengers of railway trains become victims of robberies with the use of clonidine.
 The psychoactive substances used in this type of crime can alter the victim’s state and orientation in reality, the ability to make decisions, as well as short-term memory loss. Such substances can make the victim vulnerable and unable to resist the attacker. In addition, they can be used in order to have a sedative effect on the victim in order to make it easier for the perpetrator to transport it.
 Methods for the identification and quantification of clonidine chromatography in tonic layers can be used in pharmaceutical analysis of dosage forms of clonidine and muscle relaxants (atracuria), as well as in research in expert chemical laboratories.
 In pharmaceutical analysis, qualitative color reactions are used to identify clonidine and atracuria. However, due to low sensitivity, nonspecificity and low availability of reagents, it is not suitable for the purposes of chemical-toxicological analysis.
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