An innovative respiratory examination system has been developed that combines physiological response measurement, real-time graphic displays, user-driven operating sequences, and networked file archiving and review into a scientific research and clinical diagnosis tool. This newly constructed computer network is being used to enhance the research center's ability to perform patient pulmonary function examinations. Respiratory data are simultaneously acquired and graphically presented during patient breathing maneuvers and rapidly transformed into graphic and numeric reports, suitable for statistical analysis or database access. The environment consists of the hardware (Macintosh computer, MacADIOS converters, analog amplifiers), the software (HyperCard v2.0, HyperTalk, XCMDs), and the network (AppleTalk, fileservers, printers) as building blocks for data acquisition, analysis, editing, and storage. System operation modules include: Calibration, Examination, Reports, On-line Help Library, Graphic/Data Editing, and Network Storage.