Management in Africa is under researched by scholars both within and outside of the continent. As a result, nowhere is management research-practice gap so wide than in Africa. This paper aims to assess the management research practices and challenges in selected Ethiopian higher education institutions (HEIs) and contributes to the improvement of management research practice in general. The study employed qualitative approach and a descriptive case study designed to assess management research practices in 7 selected public and private higher institutions in Addis Ababa. The study result indicated that the status of management research and publication in these institutions is limited and lack focus. There is only once a year call for papers and publishing of proceedings. The themes were selected by research coordinators or committees often without consultation with staffs and other stakeholders. There are lacks of genuine commitment from the institutions; rather they face saving activities made to meet the minimum standards for the renewal of their licenses. The major challenges were shortage of finance, staff competency deficiencies and lack of commitment, absence of research culture, lack of incentives and encouragements, and lack of involvement and engagement of key stakeholders in the research process. Hence, to improve their visibility, their staff and education quality HEIs are recommended to establish their research program through involvement of internal and external stakeholders in the research process from identification of research areas to the use of the results, develop research competency of their staff, provide incentives, and promote research culture. Key words: Management research, research program, research stakeholders’ involvement, challenges, business schools, higher education institutions.
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