The objective of this scoping review was to explore and summarise emerging themes in existing studies on personal experiences of migrant parents of children with special health and welfare needs and their interaction with health and welfare services in the Nordic countries. A comprehensive and systematic search for relevant articles in electronic databases was conducted in PubMed, PsycINFO and Web of Science between 2 April 2023 and 31 May 2023. The scoping review followed identified guidelines in conducting scoping reviews. Out of the initial 1836 study results, 62 studies were read and assessed as full text and a total of 13 studies met the inclusion criteria. Using thematic analysis, three key thematic categories were identified: (a) Initial responses to having a child with health and welfare challenges; (b) encountering the Nordic health and welfare services; (c) implications on social inclusion. The challenges to participation faced by migrants threatened their wellbeing, impacted their relationships and influenced their coping strategies and opportunities for social inclusion. The Nordic countries have accessible, affordable and well-equipped infrastructure for health and welfare services compared with the home countries of most migrants. Future research is necessary to explore alternative strategies and spaces to promote participation and involvement of migrant parents of children with special health and welfare needs to inform public health and welfare services development and research.