Austin, Ian & Jones, Glen A. (2016). Governance of Higher Education. New York, NY: Routledge. Pages: 204. Price: $47.95 USD (paper)Geared towards an audience of graduate students, practitioners and higher education scholars, this concise text makes an important contribution to the study of the governance of public universities. Austin and Jones argue that have evolved to become one of the most complex organizational forms that the human species has ever created (p.1). Although examination of corporate governance has been underway for some time, the authors claim that the governance of public universities has been under-theorized. This book aims to remedy that oversight, and challenges readers to extend scholarship beyond known inquiry.In the opening chapter, the authors examine and discuss the difficulty of reaching consensus within the academy in terms of the definition of governance of higher education, which, by virtue of the distinct missions of universities, makes examination of the structures, processes and practice of governance more complex. Through inquiry and inspection of the literature, six models of university governance are catalogued and offered: the Continental Model; the Oxbridge Model; the Scottish Model; the Civic Model; the Higher Education Corporation Model; and the US Model. Within each of these models, patterns of professional self regulation, internal participation, and relationships external to the universities, such as states and markets, are factors for consideration.In chapter two, Austin and Jones (2016) call for higher education scholars to incorporate more theoretical frameworks in their research to advance the discipline beyond the descriptive and normative. For this reason alone the book is worth the read! Through an examination of the literature, the authors synthesize a wide body of knowledge, offering a selection of theories relevant to the examination of governance of universities. Paradigms drawn from organizational behaviour, economics, psychology, sociology and political science are highlighted, together with institutional, agency, stewardship, and stakeholder theories. The offering of the external frameworks should not be mistaken as the authors' call for a renewed search for grand theory or cessation of internal or case-specific inquiry; in fact, the frameworks offered in chapter three also make a case for theoretical depth of inquiry in meso-level or organization specific research. Six theoretical lenses with the potential to advance meso-level or organizational specific knowledge of universities are presented, including an outline of the widely used structural theory. Scholars are chal- lenged to consider adopting underused frameworks such as cultural theory, cybernetics, human relations, open systems or social cognition theories for research, particularly in studies that include the human dimension.Readers will note that the book is geared towards governance of higher education in public universities. Examination of the public, therefore, requires consideration, particularly with respect to complex state and society relationships. In this regard, the authors suggest that readers consider public policy goals, bureaucratic controls and principalagent relationships. Opening with a discussion of relationships between universities and states/markets/industry, chapter four examines lines of authority and coordination. The enduring relevance of Burton Clark's (1983) triangle of coordination is referenced and noted, but the authors argue that innovation, technological advancement and knowledge transfer have shifted the contextual reference points in contemporary society. To further analysis, Triple Helix Models of university-industry-government relations are reviewed and presented for the reader's consideration.Drawing on the literature, the authors comment on challenges to nation states arising primarily from the forces of globalization with attendant neoliberal ideas. …
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