Tohoku district (65925.71km^2, 9232875 habitants, 1975) of Japan has been widely urbanized during the last twentyfive years. We can divide the region into 42 daily urban arers (DUA) according to daily life movement such as commuting to work or attending school. DUA consists of central urban district (CUD) and outer dependent areas (ODA) and has a population of 87.6% in Tohoku district except isolated areas. Average population in CUD : 120060 habitants Average population in DUA : 192496 habitants Average radius of DUA : 19.1km Thus we can get various patterns of DUA following the size of the number of CUD population. And the characteristics of spatial structure of DUA is as follows : the larger CUD population is, 1. the larger DUA population, 2. the larger ratio of CUD population to whole DUA population, 3. the larger growth of CUD population, 4. the larger growth of DUA population, and 5. the larger radius of DUA is. We must pay attention to the characteristics of DUA in regional planning such as location of public service facilities, transit network and land use.
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