The sharing economy has been increasingly recognized for providing opportunities for tourism entrepreneurs and fostering inclusive tourism growth. Through its Inclusive Tourism pledge, Airbnb established the Airbnb Entrepreneurship Academy to empower women and youth in rural communities. This study examines the role of Airbnb and its private-public partnerships in fostering inclusive tourism growth in the Waterberg District of South Africa through the Airbnb Entrepreneurship Academy. The study was conducted using qualitative interviews and focus groups with stakeholders involved in the Airbnb Entrepreneurship Academy, including four Airbnb representatives, twentythree academy graduates, and eight public and private sector partners. The key findings show that driving inclusive tourism development in the Waterberg required the involvement of local, regional and national public and private partners. The study found that the Airbnb Entrepreneurship Academy was instrumental in providing knowledge and capacity-building opportunities to emerging entrepreneurs in the region. Additionally, social capital, mentorship and continued support emerged as important drivers enabling emerging entrepreneurs to actively participate in the tourism sector. However, the local tourism context influences the successful operations of tourism enterprises and, consequently, inclusive growth through tourism. This study contributes to the growing literature on tourism skills development and the sharing economy within rural and emerging tourism destinations.
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