Competency Based Curriculum (CBC) is a reform initiative in Kenya’s education that focuses on Competency Based Formative Assessment (CBFA) practice. The conduct of CBFA requires teachers to be knowledgeable on the new assessment strategies, expected to be attained after training. However, only 42.79% of the pre-primary teachers in Gem have been trained on the CBC, a percentage lower than other sub-counties in Siaya. Further, mathematical activities in Gem registered lowest ranking in performance compared to other learning areas.This raises questions whether the teachers poses the requisite knowledge to conduct formative assessment, which aids learning and achievement. The purpose of the study was to assess teacher knowledge and skills for CBFA of mathematical activities in public pre-primary schools in Gem.Objectives were to establish teacher pedagogical content knowledge to conduct CBFA, determine teacher knowledge of feedback provision to conduct CBFA, examine teacher knowledge of goal setting to conduct CBFA and to determine teacher knowledge of ICT to conduct CBFA. The study was based on Schildkamp et al. (2020) model which places acquisition of knowledge as key requisite for competency based formative assessment of mathematical activities. The study employed descriptive survey research design using mixed methods of data collection. The sample size for the study was 76 teachers, 1 Sub-County ECD Coordinator (SCECDC) and 10 headteachers. Data was obtained using questionnaire, classroom observation checklist and interview schedule. Quantitative data was analyzed using descriptive statistics involving frequency distribution tables, percentages and means while qualitative data was analyzed using thematic categories. Findings indicate that teachers have limited knowledge on using formative assessment tools, setting lesson goal and use of Information Communication and Technology (ICT). They could not differentiate formative from summative evaluation when giving feedback. The results imply that there is need for better structured inset based on prior identification of teachers needs.
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