Annotation. Research on the relationship of the human body with its psychological characteristics and behavioral elements is currently of great value for integrative medicine, psychology and pedagogy. A deep understanding of this issue allows you to prevent and correct unwanted psychological manifestations in groups of people who have this predisposition, as well as help to find the right approach in educational and therapeutic work with such people. The purpose of the study is to evaluate the leading typological characteristics of temperament, severity and features of accentuated personality traits and psychodynamic personality traits of almost healthy women without and taking into account the somatotype. Primary anthropo-somatotypological and personality indicators of practically healthy Ukrainian women aged 21 to 35 years of different somatotypes were selected from the database of materials of the research center of National Pirogov Memorial Medical University, Vinnytsya. All women were evaluated by Eysenck leading typological characteristics of temperament with the help of personal questionnaires; psychodynamic features of Spielberger's personality in Khanin's modification; expressions and features of accentuated personality traits according to Shmishek. Statistical processing of the results was performed in the license package “Statistica 5.5” using non-parametric evaluation methods. It was found that almost healthy women without somatotype are characterized by extroversion (32.67 %) and ambiversion (29.70 %), average level of neuroticism (35.64 %), insincerity (66.34 %), average level of anxiety (62.38 %), predominance of hyperthymic (33.66 %), exalted (25.74 %), cyclothymic (22.77 %) type of character accentuation. Women of mesomorphic somatotype are characterized by potential extroversion (33.33 %) and potential introversion (27.27 %), potentially high levels of neuroticism (39.39 %), insincerity (72.73 %), average level of anxiety (60.61 %), high level of personal1 anxiety (60.61 %), predominance of exalted (42.42 %), hyperthymic (30.30 %), cyclothymic (27.27 %) and emotional (24.24 %) types of character accentuation. Among women of ectomorphic somatotype, the most common are individuals with ambiversion (31.82 %) and potential extroversion (31.82 %), with a medium level of neuroticism (36.36 %), insincerity (72.73 %), high and medium levels of situational anxiety (50.00 % each), high personal anxiety (54.55 %), the predominance of hyperthymic (22.73 %), cyclothymic (18.18 %) and pedantic (18.18 %) types of character accentuation. Among women of endo-mesomorphic somatotype, the most common are those with potential introversion (31.82 %), ambiversion (36.36 %) and potential extroversion (27.27 %), with an average level of neuroticism (63.64 %), sincerity (50.00 %), an average level of situational (77.27 %), the average level of personal anxiety (68.18 %), a significant predominance of the hyperthymic type of character accentuation (40.91 %). Among women with average intermediate somatotype, the most common are individuals with ambiversion (41.18 %) and potential extroversion (35.29 %), with medium and potentially high levels of neuroticism (29.41 % in both cases), insincerity (76.47 %), average situational (58.82 %) and personal anxiety (70.59 %), the predominance of (significant) hyperthymic (52.94 %) and cyclothymic (35.29 %) types of character accentuation. Thus, to study the psychological characteristics of people of different constitutional types, it is important to follow an interdisciplinary approach, in which the optimal use of traditional anthropometric techniques in combination with psychological tests.
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