People sometimes limit themselves to doing what is explicitly expected of them and purposely avoid engaging in socially desirable behaviors. Against this background, this study tested a moderated-mediation model based on Conservation of Resources theory and equity theory in academic context through a mixed-methods approach. More specifically, it examined the role of equity sensitivity in influencing the indirect effect of teacher injustice (TI) on classroom citizenship behavior (CCB) through burnout. Results achieved through a four-wave data collected from Pakistani nursing students partially supported the model. They demonstrated that while burnout serves as a mediator in the TI-CCB relationship, the mediation effect is independent of the level of equity sensitivity. A follow-up focus group was also conducted whose findings gave additional details regarding the psychosocial processes underlying the effect of TI on targeted students' attitudes and behaviors. Overall, the study offers theory- and evidence-based insights into the CCB withdrawal process, and provides guidance to education management practice and research.