The linear coupling between the different kinds of waves propagating in a warm plasma inhomogeneous along thex direction is investigated in order to locate the regions (ω,k) space where two of the roots of the characteristic equation coalesce. Firstly, using the approximation of geometrical optics the differential equation is derived and wave propagation at fixed wave numberkz is studied in these special cases for which the characteristic equation reduces to a biquadratic. When the density gradient is parallel to the magnetic field, a detailed analysis of the different properties of the waves shows that the mechanism proposed by Gurnett and others to explain the characteristics of the proton whistler is unlikely to operate, even if a wave coupling occurs at the so called cross over frequency for small incidence angles. The only relevant process occurs when the density gradient is perpendicular to the magnetic field for waves propagating at small incidence angles. It is shown that, close to a coalescence point, but within the limit of the geometrical optics approximation, one of the WKB solutions is a mixed (transverse-longitudinal) mode which becomes purely longitudinal in the limit of large wave numbers. Consequently, as this wave has E almost parallel tok, coalescence implies that the waves are nearly longitudinal at the singular point, in agreement with other results. Next, application of the theory is made to some relevant space observations. It is shown that the proton whistler could be the result of a linear coupling between the extraordinary and the slow ion cyclotron waves close to the Buchsbaum resonance in ionospheric regions above 300 to 400 km where the H+ density begins to grow. Transformation conditions are given which favour the coupling mechanism in regions of strong latitudinal gradients. Finally, a comparison is made with experiment which confirms the principal features of the present theory.