A pair of NMR experiments is developed for separation of individual fast-relaxing transitions in 13CH3 methyl groups of methyl-protonated, highly deuterated proteins, and the measurement of their relaxation rates. Intra-methyl 1H–1H/1H–13C dipole–dipole cross-correlated spin relaxation that differentiates the rates of the fast-relaxing transitions depending on the state of 13C spins, is measured in the selectively [13CH3]-methyl-labeled, deuterated ubiquitin at 10, 27, and 40°C. In contrast with previous observations, the 1H–1H/1H–13C cross-correlated relaxation rates measured from relaxation rates of single-quantum proton transitions serve as good measures of side-chain order even in proteins with global rotational correlation times significantly less than 10ns.