For organic chemistry, Kekulè ´s theory of the structure of benzene provided dramatic new clarity of understanding and a reliable guide to both analytic and synthetic studies. The field of organic chemistry developed explosively from this point. Many new models of atomic nuclei have been developed during the last hundred years, and they have advantages and disadvantages. However, no nucleus model based on unorganized structures of protons (usually depicted as red balls) and neutrons (usually depicted as blue balls) can offer a simple predictive model to describe and predict the results of fusion and fission reactions. Many experimental data in nuclear physics during the past century should be newly organized. Is it possible to discover a hidden key that opens doors to a deeper understanding of events occurring in the femtometer size scales? In our model, we propose returning to the bifurcation point in nuclear physics that Pauli and Fermi determined with their neutron and neutrino model in 1934. Based on the classical nuclei models proposed by Old Masters–Rutherford, Harkins, Landau, and Chadwick-before the year 1934, we attempt to further develop their models based on the compound neutron (the composition of proton and electron). Several basic rules for the nuclear structure were postulated, leading to a new view of the world of nuclei. The potential of this model will be documented in three interconnected papers.
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