A Cs2LiYCl6 (CLYC) scintillation crystal is a promising candidate for fast neutron spectroscopy due to its dual mode gamma/neutron capability and good energy resolution. Despite promising features, CLYC’s limited radiation tolerance and inability to separate alpha/proton particles using pulse shape discrimination (PSD) method restrict its applicability in fast neutron spectroscopy. The significant cross-sections for 35Cl(n,p)35S and 35Cl(n, α)32P reactions make 35Cl-containing crystals attractive candidates for fast neutron detection, prompting their development as a promising new solution. This study reports the growth of LaCl3 crystals via the Bridgman technique, enabling further exploration of their scintillation and material properties for fast neutron detection applications. The effects of the proton irradiation on LaCl3 crystals were investigated by irradiating them with a 100 MeV proton beam at the Korea Multi-purpose Accelerator Complex. The study quantified radiation damage by comparing the pre- and post-irradiation scintillation properties and PSD of the LaCl3 crystals. The results of the measurements demonstrate that LaCl3 crystals are promising candidates for applications in fast neutron identification, spectroscopy, and space mission, maintaining performance even under high-radiation environments.
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