Optically detected high field EPR and proton ENDOR experiments on the zero-point ( g-inversion) level of the lowest triplet state in p-benzoquinone- h 4 as guest in p-benzoquinone- d 4 are reported. The results are used to obtain the parameters of the molecular spin hamiltonian and the following results are obtained at 1.8 K: The fine-structure principal values are X = −798.2 ± 0.6 MHz, Y = −569.1 ± 0.6 MHz, and Z = 1367.3 ± 0.6 MHz; while the molecular g-values are found to be g xx = 2.0045 ± 0.0005, g yy = 2.0035 ± 0.0005, and g zz = 2.00994 ± 0.00008. The principal z axes of both the fine-structure and g-tensor are found to coincide with the carbonyl bond direction of the p-benzoquinone ground state structure. The orientation of the x and y axes of the fine-structure and proton hyperfine-structure tensor however indicates that the molecule in the excited state is distorted into a centrosymmetric chair-form, which also implies that the symmetry of this state is only A g. The 1 3 trace of the proton hyperfine interaction tensor is found to be 9.6 MHz and from this we calculate that 1.8% of the unpaired n-electron density is at each proton. We further report the effect of mono deuteration on the fine-structure and g-tensor principal values and these data are used to calculate the fine-structure parameter Z of the u-inversion level (20 cm −1 above the zero-point level) in the triplet state of p-benzoquinone- h 4. This method yields Z = 5.8 GHz which is to be compared with the value 6 ± 1.3 GHz obtained from the temperature dependence of the corresponding fine-structure parameter of the zero-point level. Finally, a new effect - the observation of radio-frequency induced changes in the phosphorescence cross relaxation signal — is reported and used to identify the electron spin state, in which the (ENDOR) proton spin flips take place.
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