Amac: Bu calismada, pentoksifilin, iloprost ve silostazolun alt ekstremite iskemisi-reperfuzyonu ile tetiklenen akut akciger hasarini azaltip azaltmadigi ve bu koruyucu etkilere sitokinlerin dahil olup olmadigi arastirildi. Calisma plani: Kirk sican rastgele bes gruba ayrildi: kontrol (grup 1), iskemi-reperfuzyon (grup 2), pentoksifilin (grup 3), iloprost (grup 4), iloprost ve silostazol (grup 5). Tum ilaclar iskemi oncesi uygulandi. Tumor nekroz faktor-alfa (TNF-a), interlokin-6 (IL-6) ve total sialik asit (TSA) incelemeleri icin numuneler alindi. Akciger hasari bulgulari incelendi. Bul gu lar: Interlokin-6 ve TNF duzeylerinde 90. dakikada artis oldugu ve hatta 240. dakikadan sonra da yuksek seyrettigi saptandi. Grup 3 ve 4’de, IL-6 ve TNF duzeyleri, grup 2 ile karsilastirildiginda 90, 180. ve 240. dakikalarda anlamli olarak dusuktu. Total sialik asit duzeyleri 180. dakikada grup 2, 3, 4 ve 5’te bazal ve 90. dakikadaki degerlerden anlamli olarak farkli idi. Bu zaman noktasinda TSA duzeyleri grup 2 ve 3’te grup 4 ve 5 ile karsilastirildiginda anlamli derecede yuksekti. Sonuc:Alt ekstremite I/R ile tetiklenmis bu akut akciger hasari modelinde, pentoksifilin, iloprost ve silostazol ile on tedavinin uygulanmasi, proinflamatuvar aktiviteyi ve parankimal akciger hasarini anlamli duzeyde azaltmistir. Anah tar soz cuk ler: Silostazol; iloprost; iskemi-reperfuzyon hasari; akciger hasari; pentoksifilin. Background: This study aims to elucidate whether pentoxifylline, iloprost and cilostazol mitigates acute lung injury induced by lower limb ischemia-reperfusion (I/R) and their protective effects cover cytokines. Methods: Forty rats were randomized into five groups: control (group 1), ischemia-reperfusion (group 2), pentoxifylline (group 3), iloprost (group 4), iloprost and cilostazol (group 5). All drugs were administered before ischemia. Samples were obtained for tumor necrosis factoralpha (TNF-a), interleukin 6 (IL-6), and total sialic acid (TSA) assays. Findings of lung injury were examined. Results: Interleukin-6 and TNF levels were increased at 90 minutes and sustained elevated even after 240 minutes. In groups 3 and 4, IL-6 and TNF levels were significantly lower at 90, 180 and 240 minutes compared to group 2. At 180 minutes, TSA levels in groups 2, 3, 4 and 5 were significantly different from baseline and 90 minute levels. At this time point, TSA levels of group 2 and 3 were significantly higher compared to group 4 and 5. Conclusion: In this acute lung injury model induced by I/R of the lower limbs, pretreatment with pentoxifylline, iloprost and cilostazol significantly attenuated proinflammatory activities and parenchymal lung damage.
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