To perform activities of daily living (ADL), people with lower limb amputation depend on the prosthetic socket for stability and proprioceptive feedback. Poorly fitting sockets can cause discomfort, pain, limb tissue injuries, limited device usage, and potential rejection. Semi-passively controlled adjustable socket technologies exist, but these depend upon the user's perception to determine safe interfacial pressure levels. This paper presents a framework for automatic control of an adjustable transtibial prosthetic socket that enables active adaptation of residuum-socket interfacial loading through localized actuators, based on soft tissue injury risk estimation. Using finite element analysis, local interfacial pressure vs. compressive tissue strain relationships were estimated for three discrete anatomical actuator locations, for tissue injury risk assessment within a control structure. Generalized Predictive Control of multiple actuators was implemented to maintain interfacial pressure within estimated safe and functional limits. Controller simulation predicted satisfactory dynamic performance in several scenarios. Actuation rates of 0.06-1.51kPa/s with 0.67% maximum overshoot, and 0.75-1.58kPa/s were estimated for continuous walking, and for a demonstrative loading sequence of ADL, respectively. The developed platform could be useful for extending recent efforts in adjustable lower limb prosthetic socket design, particularly for individuals with residuum sensory impairment.
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