In [FHK13], the authors considered the question whether model-existence of $L_{\omega_1,\omega}$-sentences is absolute for transitive models of ZFC, in the sense that if $V \subseteq W$ are transitive models of ZFC with the same ordinals, $\varphi\in V$ and $V\models "\varphi \text{ is an } L_{\omega_1,\omega}\text{-sentence}"$, then $V \models "\varphi \text{ has a model of size } \aleph_\alpha"$ if and only if $W \models "\varphi \text{ has a model of size } \aleph_\alpha"$. From [FHK13] we know that the answer is positive for $\alpha=0,1$ and under the negation of CH, the answer is negative for all $\alpha>1$. Under GCH, and assuming the consistency of a supercompact cardinal, the answer remains negative for each $\alpha>1$, except the case when $\alpha=\omega$ which is an open question in [FHK13]. We answer the open question by providing a negative answer under GCH even for $\alpha=\omega$. Our examples are incomplete sentences. In fact, the same sentences can be used to prove a negative answer under GCH for all $\alpha>1$ assuming the consistency of a Mahlo cardinal. Thus, the large cardinal assumption is relaxed from a supercompact in [FHK13] to a Mahlo cardinal. Finally, we consider the absoluteness question for the $\aleph_\alpha$-amalgamation property of $L_{\omega_1,\omega}$-sentences (under substructure). We prove that assuming GCH, $\aleph_\alpha$-amalgamation is non-absolute for $1<\alpha<\omega$. This answers a question from [SS]. The cases $\alpha=1$ and $\alpha$ infinite remain open. As a corollary we get that it is non-absolute that the amalgamation spectrum of an $L_{\omega_1,\omega}$-sentence is empty.
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