Controllable and green construction of morphology and structure in potassium chloride (KCl) crystals is necessary in the fields of pharmaceuticals, catalysis, minerals, and jewels design. Here, the work presented a lucid way for preparing KCl crystal with various morphology including hopper-, sphere- and hollow cube-like structure through green supersaturation modulation. Parameters including stirring speed, cooling range, cooling rate, and excess inorganic composing ions influenced the growth kinetics of hopper KCl crystal as well as the surficial morphology and structure: (1) Metastable region and stable conditions were beneficial for uniform growth of crystal; (2) Small size of crystal particles were obtained with high shear force; (3) Corner angle of crystal would be abraded in slow cooling rate; (4) Non-uniform crystal appeared in improper cooling range condition; (5) Additional composing ions might introduce deformed structure according to the basic crystal repeating unit with corresponding elements. Based on the above study of growth kinetics, hopper-, sphere- and hollow cube-like crystal were obtained. The morphology and structure properties of various crystal were researched by three-dimensional visualization, X-ray diffraction (XRD), and scanning electron microscope (SEM) for optimized application such as higher exposing surface area of hopper-like crystal than original cubic crystal. The main exposed faces for smooth cubic, hollow cubic, and hopper structure exhibited were (200), (220), and (400) facet, respectively, which could be a consequence of the inner beveling. Surface of spherical structure was a circular arc with relative high roughness, being ascribed to the formation mechanism of spherical structure from cubic structure. Therefore, the work presented a strategy to controllably design KCl crystal with different structure and morphology in a green way.