In this paper, our aim is to discuss the density of proper efficient points. As an interesting application of the results in this paper, we want to prove a density theorem of Arrow, Barankin, and Blackwell. In [1], Luc introduced a new concept of the proper efficient point for a set. Using some results of recession cone, Luc established efficiency conditions, especially proper efficiency and domination properties ( [1, 2]). The present paper is devoted to the study of the density of proper efficient points. In detail, the set of proper efficient points for a set is dense in the set of efficient points. As an interesting application of the results in this paper, we prove a density theorem of Arrow, Barankin, and Blackwell ( [3,4]). First let us recall some notations: Throughout the paper, E is a separated locally convex topological linear space and E* its topological dual. U(O) denotes the family of balanced open convex neighbourhoods of the origin in E. For A c E, cone(A), cl(A), and int(A) denote the generated cone, the closure, and the interior of A, respectively. Let C C E be a convex cone, and let A be a nonempty subset of E. We say that x E A is an efficient point of A with respect to C if there exists y E A, such that y E x-C; then y E x + C. Equivalently, (x-C) n A c x + C. If the C is pointed (that is, C n (-C) =' o}), then x E A is an efficient point iff (x C) n A= {x}. We denote by E(A, C) the set of all efficient points of A (with respect to C). We say that x E A is a proper efficient point of A with respect to C if there exists a closed convex cone K =/ E such that C\{O} c int(K) and x E(A, K). The set of proper efficient points of A is denoted by Prop E(A, C). It is obvious that the set of proper efficient points of A is contained in the set of efficient points, Prop E(A, C) C E(A, C), but the converse is not generally true. If C is a convex cone, the convex set B c C is said to be a base of C if O0 cl(B) and C=cone(B)=U{tB:t>0}={tb:t>ObB}. A cone with base must be pointed. Received by the editors December 14, 1993 and, in revised form, October 3, 1994. 1991 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 90C31.
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